never ever put your hand in front of a revolver rifle percusion or not , the percusion can get a chain fire but even a modern revolver rifle gets signifcant blow by out of cylinder to barrel gap .
but being prudent up front with tight bullets sealed with a prodigous amount of crisco on every chamber nearly 100% eleminates chain fire occurances.and the trigger gaurd is supposed to be a spot to rest the off hand
Question... Is this a modern rendition made from one of the repro pistols? condition looks a little too good to be an original....and there seems to be a lot of markings on the side of the barrel that look modern...
Sorry for not getting back to this sooner! You did some fine work on this! I have been wanting to get one of the pistols now I see I may need a second.... for a carbine.....
I thought it looked a little too clean to be an old original.
Very neat job. Had to be a lot of work.
I would like to have one just because of the uneekness of it.
Deserves both a :hatsoff: and a :youcrazy: