Hi,I just returned from a 4 day Lewis and Clark festival,and had a great time, except for all the rain. I am heading up a rendezvous camp at Huntsdale Mo. on the first weekend in June,if anybody is interested in joining in contact me or Debby Lancaster,this is going to be mainly a P.R.,event to let people get some hands on shooting with a M.L.,and if we have enough people show up we might have a blanket shoot.There is no cost for primitive,camping if you let me or her know very soon.
We will be setting up next to the Lewis and Clark camp. Huntsdale Mo.is located about 10 mi. from Columbia Mo. on the banks of the Mo. river. Here is the link for Debby,and the festival......http://www.tranquility.net/~cdph/ Hope some of you show up. Albert
We will be setting up next to the Lewis and Clark camp. Huntsdale Mo.is located about 10 mi. from Columbia Mo. on the banks of the Mo. river. Here is the link for Debby,and the festival......http://www.tranquility.net/~cdph/ Hope some of you show up. Albert