Load info needed

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I have just ordered some Lee REAL bullets for my
Uberti Walker.
What do you fellows think would be a maximum load for these slugs.
I can always down load but don't know what a maximum would be.
Don't want to blow the gun up,I like it to much
Any help would be appreciated
Dan :bow:
The Lyman Black Powder Handbook & Reloading Manual", 2nd ed. shows loads up to 40 grains of 3Fg black powder and Pyrodex P for a 180 grain Buffalo Conical in a Walker reproduction.

Based on this I would think 35 grains of 3Fg would be quite safe and 40 grains would be a max.

Depending on the length of the bullet, using 40 grains may not be possible because of the long bullet.

Hopefully these REAL bullets have a undersized starting diameter at the base to help align them with the chambers or you may find loading them rather difficult.
It also may be a good idea to fully fill the grooves with lube to assure a flame proof seal between the bullets and the chamber walls.
The Colt .44 cal molds that made round ball and conical throw a 210 gr conical. The conical is the load put up in the paper ctg. , not round ball.

My concern would be the length of the bullet and the diameter. Percussion pistol bullets are oversized to cut a thin ring off of the lead when seated. I wonder if the REAL bullets are a large enough diameter to swag into the chambers. Then there is the issue of length. I suggest measuring the depth of each chamber and the length of the bullets to determine how much volume is available for the powder charge.
Their is plenty of room for 40gr of powder an a Real bullet. The walker chamber is big.

Mike 56
Thanks for the photo.
They just came today but I haven't got the gun out yet.
I just got home( been in the woods for 2 days) and the wife and dog want some attention.

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