I don't want to make accusations, but I have not heard from Mr. onefeather since I sent payment for the aforementioned loading block almost a month ago. I have sent a couple of emails and PMs, but have received no response.
I am beginning to suspect that I am out the $10. That's not going to break me, but it is discouraging to think that a fellow member of the forum may have deceived me.
One feather, if I am wrong in my conclusion, please contact me. If for some reason you did not receive the money order and are withholding shipment please let me know. I don't want to say anything here to portray you in a negative light, but this is the only way that I have not yet tried to contact you, and I have for obvious reasons refrained from doing so for a considerable time. I am not concerned about the timing as I am in no hurry, and the money is not any significant amount, but I am curious as to what has happened.