loading problem with teflon

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Jul 12, 2005
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hello all after about 5 shots i can hardley to not at all shove a .495rb w/.023 minute men telon down a .505 bore chunk gun my routine is to wipe with 1 wet (not saturated)both sides then 1dry both sides the fist three to four go down nice with one hole group then it gets harder to load and accuracy goes down hill powder charge is 75gn 2f goex any thoughts??
do you wet your patching? if not try damping the material with a drop of spit or use a little of your cleaning solvent.
What you want to do is keep that fouling moist untill you have a chance to load the ball. As you shoot more and or the barrel gets hotter from subsequent shots the fouling will be a little harder to keep moist untill you can get it loaded. So with that in mind you might want to eliminate the dry patch or maybe even moisten the first (wet) patch a little bit more.

On a very dry hot day I will have to stop using a second dry patch to swab behind the wet one. Conversely on a very humid day I have to use a dry patch behind the first on and have even used a third in order to try and get some of the sludge out.

They key is to clean the same shot to shot and if all else is is correct then you will get your best accuracy. What hurts accuracy is having variables in the preasure from one shot to the next. And if your nipple blows out or the touch hole gets eroded too much or the fouling is not the same from shot to shot your preasure goes up or down and it makes your group open up.

MM: I tried to NOT clean after every shot when I was new to the sport, but eventually learned that the only way my gun would shoot accurately day in and day out, regardless of temperature, or humidity, was if I cleaned the barrel between shots.

I did not get into ML shooting to see how many shots I can fire in a day. I am totally awed that Roundball can fire 50 rounds every saturday morning in his range trip, for instance. Shooting 20-25 rounds makes a good day at the range for me, and a long one at that.

I consider ML shooting to be a " gentleman's game ", where paying attention to details, deliberate motion and carefully aimed shots is the order of the day. I have rapid fire modern guns to shoot when I want to let off steam, or scratch a wild hair on my butt!

By my way of thinking there is no point to trying to find some load that will let me shoot a lot of shots before I have to clean the barrel again. I have spent enough time with my rifle on a bench, shooting at paper targets, to know that accuracy drops off predicatably after the 3rd shot when I don't clean the barrel. I start seeing flyers.

Now, having said that, Like every other shooter, I have a bit of lazy streak in me, and I would LOVE to have a patch and lube combination that would let me shoot all day and have good accuracy, and not have to wipe the barrel between shots. So, I recently learned that the chunk gun shooters are lubing their bores after seating the ball on the powder. While they still wipe the bores between shots, the crud is very liquid and comes out easily. I am going to see of loading my gun this way allows me to avoid cleaning between shots, AND STILL GET GOOD ACCURACY. I like what Roundball is oding, but he lives and shoots in N. Carolina, and I am up here in the flats in the Midwest, with weather conditions influenced by both the Great lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico. It can be humid as a sauna one day, and dry as a desert the next. It all depends on where the winds blow.
greetings m&m,

if you are getting a few shots with no pblms, before you have to hammer the ball down the bbl, your gun is telling you, "hey!!! i'm chocking on accumulating fouling'.

we know you can get a few shots before things go to hell, so, we have to look at bore conditioning. if you are using spit for a patch lube, it's drying out before it can wipe and keep the fouling soft enuf to blow out on firing.

now, we gotta find a lube that will keep the fouling soft enuff so the patched ball can push the fouling down the bore as you load and leave enuff lube in the bore after firing to keep the fouling from drying out. simple, yes??

the roundball has been having good luck with wonder lube 1000 and (i forget his name :( )has been having outstanding results with white go-jo hand cleaner.

so, if you find a lube that will not allow the fouling to dry and harden up without being so slippery that it messes up your accuracy, you should be allrite.


PS... always listen to what your gun is trying to tell you :)

PPS.. do a lube search on this site for many lube choice alternatives.

PPPS... sometimes teflon is not the wonder lube people think it is. :grin:
i remembered the go-jo guy :grin: . it is non-other than our own world famous blizzard of 83..


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