Lock replacement

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40 Cal.
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
I am considering replacing the lock on my Indian Brown Bess fusil. I have looked in Dixie and Track for a drop-in replacement lock but I don't see anything the same size and shape.

First question: Where else should I look?

If I can't find a drop-in replacement my next thought is to buy a simple working lock about the same size, and the same distance from sear pin to touchhole, and make a new lockplate to fit my stock and the works of the new lock.

Second question: How hard would that be and are there any "gotchyas" I should look out for.

I am considering the E.K.Tryon's North West Indian Trade Gun Flint Lock from Track as it is about the right size, takes the same flint, accommodates my breech diameter and has a pretty flat simple lock plate. I don't mind messing up the style of my musket as it would be perfectly authentic for a Revwar militiaman to have a mongrel musket made of scavenged parts.

While I await your collectively sage advice:master:, I am going to put a fly in the lock I have. But I want a backup plan.
Pedersoli do a Brown Bess, and you can buy the lock as a replacement - I'm looking at it in their catalogue now (model S.450). I've never bought a replacement lock off Pedersoli and I'm told they're expensive, but most people say good things about their Brown Bess.
It would be nice if a Brown Bess was a Brown Bess was a Brown Bess. I can see that Track's Bess lock won't fit. Even though my Bess is not Pedersoli, the Bess lock on the Pedersoli page does look like a closer fit. I know people with Pedersoli Besses so I could just try one of their locks! I can do that next weekend. Thanks for the idea. :thumbsup:

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