Long Hammock Barrels

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45 Cal.
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Could someone tell me if Long Hammock makes a swamped barrel and if so where to find them?
Also in what order would you rate these barrels for hunting...
Long Hammock
Green Mountain

That's the order I have in my mind..and I don't know nothin..I'm going by only what I've heard over the phone and read on the net and the one barrel I've shot. I'm basing my rank on things that matter to me as no. one as a hunter..2 parts assembler..and 3 finished product looks. I figure the strenght of barrels are a given.

Thanks for any info. there's a good bit of difference in price and a lot of difference in wait..and I don't see the use in dealing with either one if difference in barrel's quality is not that much.
All those barrels are fine for hunting. Most any of them will give 4" groups at 100 yards for a guy who is a great shot and works up loads carefully. That's not me! W/o a scope, 6" groups of 5 shots are good for me at 100 yards. When I get a 3-4" group at 100 yards with open sights, I save the target.

Of these makers I've only used Getz and Green Mountain. The Getz is a clear step above in smoothness when loading.

I suspect that some of the pleasure we derive from custom guns is from having "status" parts on them. I have an old Green RIVER Rifle Works barrel on my first flinter, and it was considered about the best available at the time. It is still smooth as butter to load and shoots better than I can. If a fella wanted a swamped barrel he had to get a Paris (this was pre-Getz). In straight barrels, Douglas XX were highly prized and a Bill Large barrel was the tops.
I agree. I have used Longhammock, Colerain, Green Mt., etc. and all can be good shooters. Some of the best groups I have seen by locals here have been with Green Mt straight barrels. But, my old (ca. 1978)Green River barrel (no longer made)will outshoot anything I have now....I am currently building a .54 with a swamped Getz 42" bbl and will have to wait to see how she does...my current .32 Longhammock needed to have the bore polished a bit, but I think it will shoot fine once I fine-tune my loads. My .50 Colerain 44" swamped bbl rifle will shoot good groups when I do my part, but I rarely target shoot at 100 yds anymore with my old eyes and generally keep it to +/-50yds....so I guess from a ranking point of view I would not put Green Mt at the bottom, except in price!
Yes , Long Hammock makes swamped barrels, but They use their own profile which is not compatable with pre inletted stocks made to fit Getz, Rice, ect. The number is
Ask for Riley Smith
Thanks for all the info...looks like they are all good barrels..so next time I need one I will definately get the one I can get to me quickest.
-- :agree:-- with Mike Roberts, I would not downgrade Green Mountain. I have an old .50 cal GM barrel that has been on three different rifles. First it was a homemade boxlock action (sort of Wesson style) with two piece stock and shot into three inches at 100. Then it was on a T/C flint and is now on a Lyman Trade Rifle percussion. Shot an honest one inch for five shots at 50 yards yesterday and haven't touched the sights since I first zeroed it 10 or 12 years ago, still three inches high and centered at 50 which puts it about dead on at 100.
A friend just shot a 1 3/4" group from his Vincent percussion at 100 yards with open sights and a slight breeze, Green Mountain .45 cal. 13/16" barrel.
Not to say you don't get what you pay for with the more costly barrels, I'm sure you do, but beyond a certain point any improvement becomes academic and of little practical value.
to add to Coyote joe- i have had similar good experience with Green Mountain barrel in 50 cal. it's in a T/C 'renegade' which was the first flint i ever owned and (sentimentality aside) still shoots better than i can.

good luck

i have a long hammock barrel, but the rifle isn't done yet so i don't know how it will work. looks smooth, though

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