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45 Cal.
May 13, 2005
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i had this site before but i lost it but i saw it posted on another forum and this is something all should see.it has rev war bullet boards and at the tp you can go to pouches and horns to see rev war horns and pouches[url] http://www.cottoneauctions.com/TomWnuck/wnuck-accoutrements&accessories.htm[/url] there ya go :grin:actually some of those pouches were in a recent mark baker writting in muzzle loader mag
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According to those who know more than us, these bullet boards are not dated or documented, and the collector made no serious attempts to do so. He apparently bought anything that caught his eye without researching his purchases. These boards could be Rev war, or they could be 1850's.
i dont know.all i know is there is alot of good stuff there.but i also was really skeptical about them being rev war.i also thought mabey 1830 :v
Darn! :(
I wish that I had seen this post sooner. That auction was only about 2 hours from me & I would have loved to go to it. I would like to start collecting some original stuff.
Held on Sat., Nov. 23, 2002.

Been a while. I knew about it before it happened, but was not about to go all that way. On the other hand I cut and pasted the pics for future reference. It is really quite a collection of items and images for people interested in making things. The powder measures and molds are my favorites. Thanks for the reminder One Feather.

I suggest that you save these into a photo file for future reference.

I have a screen saver that scrolls through a particular file of these and some favorite long guns. :)
