Looking for a .50 maxiball or similar bullet mould...

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40 Cal.
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The old caretaker on the place we hunt does a lot of scrapping, and he gave me 15 pounds of lead in 5 lb ingots, and has plenty more where that came from, and with the price of those maxiballs, I think I'll take him up on his offer.

I poked around online, but naturally before I spend money I thought I'd ask around to see what the fine folks here would reccomend.
You got the right material, sounds like the round ingots that plumbers used back when the oakum joints was made on cast iron pipe. if you can scratch it with yer thumbnail it's the best stuff to make muzzleload slugs.
sorry I can't help with advice for a maxi-mini, I use Lee REAL slugs.
All my maxi molds are TC (32, 36, 45, 50, 54). They come up for sale sometimes at the auction houses and on the gun boards. The rarer 32/36 molds are usually a bunch more than the others though.
Lyman makes a Maxi-ball mold.
You can also find them on Ebay. I know there are a couple on there now.
You could also try Lee REAL bullets. They are pretty good shooting bullets.
Lyman also makes a plains bullet mold. I have one for my .54 and they are great shooters.

My dad shot a 50 Hawken - I've got one or two maxi molds in the garage. They have the handles.
email me at [email protected] (if this is ok with the moderators).

Wart (jim perkins)
These are the round ingots, and the three are joined together by about an inch wide by 1/8th inch deep strip of lead between them. Scratches with my fingernail and they've got some writing on them. (what it says escapes me at this early hour...)

What's a reasonable price for the Lyman moulds. I notice that this muzzleloader stuff varies quite a bit in price depending on who you buy it from...
Check Track of the Wolf used section. I believe they might have one. Better hurry.

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