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32 Cal
Jan 29, 2022
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I am a woodwork just starting out in Las Vegas, Nevada

Had someone ask me if I could build an all-wood replica of an 1863 "Springfield" rifle.
After a deep web search, I could not the "blueprints" for one.
I have attached a drawing of the parts I need measurements for.
I am hopeful that someone would be willing to help me.
Minor point here . . . .

If you are wanting to make a 1863/4 copy, the ram-rod you seek does NOT have the “swell” towards the tip, as you show in the drawing. The rod WITH the swell, is for a M1861 model.

In addition, the Model 1863 had NO bandsprings . . . .the M1861 and M1864 did.

Your drawing depicts a M61 hammer . . . .M63’s are shaped differently.
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Thanks for the tips.

Pulled the drawing from the net, as I have no first-hand knowledge
I hope the following will be of use to you in building your wood replica 63 Springfield. The information is from an old (1985) print copy of the N-SSA Small Arms Manual. I will do this in 2 posts of 2 pages each.

There are 2 versions of the 63, Type 1 and Type 2, sometimes called the 1864. The differences are in the barrel bands and band retaining springs and the rear sight leaf. The hammer and breech bolster are different from your posted (1861) drawing. Searching online for photos of these items will be a big help visualizing them. The OAL is 55.9". The dimension of the breech diameter is actually the distance across the flats (AF) as it is octagonal there. The rammer is of constant diameter and not with a swell as in the drawing you posted.

The cost of this information will be posted photos of your completed project. :)


  • page 3.pdf
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