Hello Longhunter I don't mean to hyjack your original post but I have a powder horn sort of search myself that I would like to ask while we are all on this subject . A couple of days ago I picked up a realy nice powderhorn at an antique shop it's a real work of art , it's a blond colored horn with walnut ends and it has two figures scrimshawed in it's surface . The figures are an Indian in warrior gise and a soldier both facing away from each other , I don't have the picture software worked out to post a pic but anyway the horn is signed Ralles 78 and R B 78 . IT was obviously made in 1978 but I've never run across this name .If anyone on this sight knows anything about this horn or it's maker I would love to hear it . Either way I plan to mate it upto a nice flintlock fowler possibly this summer . The quality of this horn realy deserves to be matched up to a nice gun . thank you