You guys have it easy. My wife and daughter "borrow" tools and leave them sitting exactly where they last used them. Doesn't matter if that means in the kitchen, out in the yard, in the goat shed or down in the woods on the other side of the hay field next to the stream. A few years ago, I was fixing some minor electrical problem on the tractor and needed a phillips screw driver. I opened the "screwdriver drawer" to the big rolling tool chest to find no screwdrivers. So I go looking around and notice a five gallon bucket is missing also. So I check other drawers, expecting to find that I had been robbed, but those sockets, rachets, air tools, impact wrench etc are all there. Wife knows nothing about it. Daughter sheepishly admits that she knows what happened to the screw drivers. Ok what happened? She says, well I couldn't afford a birthday present for you so I thought I would straighten out your tool box. I started with the screw drivers and took the all out of the tool box. I wiped each one clean of dirt and grease and even washed out the drawer. So where are the screwdrivers. Well James (her boy friend) came over and we were talking and I spread the screwdrivers out on the tailgate of his truck. I had them all sorted into sizes and numbers. The phillips separate from the star drivers and those separate from the slotted screwdrivers. So I ask, where are the screw drivers? Well it started to rain, so I put the screwdrivers back in the bucket and forgot the bucket in the back of James' truck when he left. So when is he bringing the bucket back, I ask. Well.. Dad...., he can't. Huh? says I. Better yet, we will go over there and get the bucket. We can't do that either. she says. The truck is locked in the garage. Well he can just open the garage, right? No, she says. Why not? She then lowers the boom. Well, his guard unit was called up for guard duty for 3 months in Estonia on NATO exercises. So the garage is locked up until he gets back. GRRR!!!!!!! But I got a coupon for you for free screwdrivers at Harbor Freight.