Lube Pills?

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Mike 56

40 Cal.
Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
Has anyone made and used over the powder lube pills i am going to make some for my cap and ball revolvers tonight. The instructions i got were to melt 1 part bees wax, 1part caning wax, and one part Crisco together and pour it in a pan 1/8 inch thick let cool then cut them out with 45cal case.

Never heard of anyone using lube pills. Lubed felt wads are what everyone I know uses. Seems like a lube pill would just be a messy pain.

Thats what the BPC shooters call a grease cookie. Usually loaded with a card underneath to prevent melting and powder contamination.

Probably get just a s good a result covering the ball after loading with a stiff lube that won't melt, at least that day! :)
I use a .015 over powder card, a greased felt wad, and then a ball. The lube cookies will definitely be pushed into your powder without a good fitting over powder wad.
I've known folks who swore by the grease cookie. I've always just used a wad or filler. Less mess to deal with and they help keep bore fouling down. Let us know what your experience is with the grease cookie.
I've never used a 'cookie', just grease atop a felt. ha- thought I was gonna say 'just grease my balls' didnja?
Well i made some last night it was pretty easy i just melted the wax, bees wax, and Crisco stirred it good and poured it a 1/8 inch thick in a small pan let cool and cut them out with a cutter i made from a 45/70 case. It was pretty easy to do. They are pretty firm it was 100 degrees here today i left them in the garage all day today and they did not melt. So far so good now i have to see how they shoot.


I had always understood the lube pills to go on top of the ball as the seal/lube instead of having to put grease over the balls.

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