Here is one to think about , when using cast bullets in sabots , would lubing the bullet help to prevent galling in the barrel ( plastic on the rifling)?
[Lubing the bullet not the sabot]
[Lubing the bullet not the sabot]
Pttu, pttu! I spit on you. ::
II'm not a big sabot shooter
But I have friends that believe their is nothing but 50 caliber in-lines with sabots .
No thay don't! :haha:Their lines have their own beauty.
sumtacks! :applause: :applause:Oh I gotta argue with maxi on this one!!
Them in-line guns do have thier own beauty!
Ain't you ever seen the way onna them Plastic stocks Burn!??
Man!! Brite yellow and orange colors,,rite quick too!!
(just don't breath nunna that smoke!!)
Lubing a Sabot!??
Isn't that an oxi-moron?? kinda like,,Pretty-Ugly??