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Makin Yer Own Stuff

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45 Cal.
Feb 1, 2004
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I am starting out tryin to make mountain as well as indian stuff. This would be buckskin and leather articles. Can somebody point me in the right direction for what you need to get started and resources?? I do have a softcover book by Overstreet that sets forth a lot of info. Any other suggestions??

Thamks, sse
Hey thanks, Musky. The book I mentioned covers the use of antler. I have two sets. One is pretty good size that my dad got many years ago in the UP (da UP, eh?). These are large and would be great for powder measures, pendants, toggles, buttons and the like, but I don't want to ruin them. Besides, they make great rattlers for the rut.

When we cleaned out Ma's house we found another smaller set, simply mounted, which I will have no problem with cutting up. As far as clothing, that's bit too ambitious. I think we have a lady in the club that does that and we also know a great seamstress that could handle a few of those projects.

Much obliged, sse
If you're mostly interested in making leather goods, go to a large rondevoux, you'll find tons of leather of all shapes and sizes and colors. If you can't find a rondevoux find a Tandy's they'll have a lot of stuff. At a rondevoux you can also see what others are making and offering for sale. Possible bags,shooting bags, belts, bullet pouches, knife sheaths, neck pouches, cap holders, the list is endless.
Thanks a bunch for that suggestion. Gonna dig it up.

Regards, sse
SSE,.... Fer "make'n stuff", the main thing to remember is,... "KEEP IT SIMPLE"!!

You can git "sketch-books" from TOTW (fer $5.00 @), illustrated by James Hanson. These "sketchs" were done of articles in the Museum of the Fur Trade at Chadron NE.

Anuther good Sketch book" is the one done by Rex A. Norman, of Alfred Jacob Miller's paint'ns of 1837. ($7.50)

Fer start'n out, I'd suggest Moscow Hide and Fur (Moscow ID) as a source for commercial-tanned buckskin and fur. Always "wet" commercial tanned buckskin and STRECH it good, 'fore make'n clothing (or, it'll "grow" bigger as you wear it)!!

Brain-tan buckskin is tha "best", but very expensive, so it's usually better to practice make'n cloths with the commercial hides at $2.50 sq. ft. 'fore cut'n on the $15.00 sq. ft. stuff!

Cloths made out'a commercial hides will last a feller for years, but doesn't "breath" like brain-tan.
MH&F doesn't sell brain-tan, but ther "smoke-tan" looks 'bout tha same at a fraction of the price. If you use commercial-tan, make yore cloths with the "shiney-side in" and the rough-side out 'cause it looks more like the "real stuff" thet'a way!

"Hamilton Dry Goods" in TN, handles all sorts of material such as linen, wool, muslin, and etc., for make'n shirts'n stuff.

WalMart sells canvas, if ya want to try make'n yore own tent, lean-to, "fly", ground-cloth'n such!!

If ya stay away from "fancy stich'n" and "bead-work",... ya cain't hardly go wrong, 'cause the average "trapper" didn't make the fancy stuff,.... bead-work was "wimmin's-work"!! ::
Thanks, rollingb. Gonna start small and work my way up. If I'm lousy at it I'll just go to the shows and handpick the goods. I'll try anything, once.

Regards, sse

Any hardware should sell bulk leather bundles, it usually has suede leather, hard leather (almost raw-hide stiff) heavy leather too (belt thickness) in various sizes...

I pick them up for a few bucks and make leather cappers, frizzen covers, knife sheaths and such...
The books on Buckskining 1 thru 8 have some really good info and patterns for all types of gear,Also the Foxfire series contain great examples. Foxfire 5 has much info on flint gun construction and making black powder. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Gordy
SSE - In Kalamazoo Michigan there will be the Liveing History show Mar. 20 & 21. Lots of every thing. Bottons buckskin gunbuilders knife makers ect. www.Kalamazooshow.com I would hate to miss it, but I am only 30 minutes away. Tip Curtis comes to it. Rocky /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Thanks Rocky - That is one I would really like to go to. A bunch from the club are going and do every year. Problem is it falls on a weekend that I have committed every year, (no, I'm not Irish), so I don't know when I'll get to it. They do have a smaller version in the fall.

Regards, sse
Hey rollingb, I need sumbody with more credibility. ::

It seems some events are right at the same time every year, without fail. I suppose it gives those who attend something to rely on for planning the year, but I got two of those on the same weekend, dunno if the one will ever "give".

But thanks for the offer!!

Regards, sse
SSE,.... I'll even keep the back-ground "party noise" to a minimum, an'try not to "slur" my words when make'n tha "call",.... if thet'll help any!! :: :p /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif :winking:
Things I've made:
The bead work (seed beads) thunderbird, the scalps on the flap of my possiables bag, a deer tip 100 grain powder measurer, a brass flint knapping hammer, the pouch beside the hammer is a flint bag...


The round ball is a .735
The tacks around the bead work are off of a bikers wrist band, they work well on the beaver tail flap of my possiables bag...
Just got the book, Buckskins and Blackpowder. Its a doozy. Got it cheap, too. There are several collector versions for over 30 bucks, but I avoided those. ::

As cheap as I got my copy, inside the front cover looks like a garage sale seller wrote: "$1.00" (!!!??? ::) So for you entrepeneurs, buy cheap and sell high!!

I need to get a hold of the movie, too, the one with Charlton Heston in it. I'm hoping a local library has it. This stuff is fun!!

Regards, sse
sse... Patterns and kits can be a big help. The mocs below are my first attempt at makin' somethin'. Got the moc kit and the seed beads from Crazy Crow. The onliest thin' ta remember is take it slow. When lookin' for bead patterns check out some of the older books on beadin' or take a look at some of the museums. You'd be suprised at what you'll see.

Those look great, just don't wear them in the water...

Then they'd be Water Moccasins, and they're poisonous... :winking: