making a knife

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40 Cal.
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
I wanted to try my hand at making my own knife. I purchased a Russell Green River blade but would like to cut the tang and reshape the blade some. I assume that I will have to heat the metal up to cut, grind, file, and drill. What color am I looking for and whats the best way to reverse the process when done ? Thanks.
Actually, as long as you restrict yourself to changing the lines by grinding, etc., you shouldn't need to worry about the heat-treating. The tang should be soft enough to file or drill, and if you're careful grinding and finishing, you won't heat up the blade enough to distemper it. Hold it in your bare hands, and watch for emerging temper colors. If it gets past a dark yellow, you've scotched it.

If the changes you have in mind are radical enough to require re-forging, then you might want to start from scratch. Changing a finished blade around is tricky, with a hammer.
This is what I started off with:
Nice. Did you heat the blade and bend it down? Doesn't look as curved. Could be the angle of the pic messing with me. Watch it that stuff can be addictive. :wink:
I used grinding wheels and an electric drill (plug in not portable) to level out the blade. I heated the tang and then cut it in half as this style of knife only had about a 2-3" tang.

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