BUT another discussion about lube. :what: :youcrazy: :huh:
Have any of you done comparisons of lubes over the machine in a scientific manner to determine what different results are obtained with what different lubes?
I've got a friend who shoots flint, says he lost all accuracy with T/C Bore Butter with his .40, and went back to whatever liquid lube he was using.
Anyone ever tackle this one in a specific manner, rather than anecdotal, or heresay, or "one day a the range..." stories.
I really, really, think this bares some investigation.
Even if no chrono is available, some 10 shot strings with Snot, and say, Lehigh Valley, or spit, would be usefull informtion. :m2c:
Have any of you done comparisons of lubes over the machine in a scientific manner to determine what different results are obtained with what different lubes?
I've got a friend who shoots flint, says he lost all accuracy with T/C Bore Butter with his .40, and went back to whatever liquid lube he was using.
Anyone ever tackle this one in a specific manner, rather than anecdotal, or heresay, or "one day a the range..." stories.
I really, really, think this bares some investigation.
Even if no chrono is available, some 10 shot strings with Snot, and say, Lehigh Valley, or spit, would be usefull informtion. :m2c: