I'd always used 1/3 of live weight as the rule of thumb.
I've deer hunted since the 60's but never personally weighed one and don't have any quick reference info to look at...so I just called our NC wildlife department, and after 15 minutes on the phone being switched from one person to another, I'm shocked to say that nobody there knew.
So knowing we humans sometimes over-estimate the weight of a deer, I'll be conservative and estimate as follows:
Average mature Doe = 125 lb (+/-)
Average mature Buck = 150 lb (+/-)
As an example, I'm a good size feller and it's all I can do to drag out a mature buck with one hand...and I doubt I could do it at all if he weighed as much as two 100lb bags of feed stacked on top of each other...not real scientific but hopefully realistic.
If I'm lucky, I'll get a fresh feel for draggin' some more out in not too many more weeks !