Midway lead.

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I have 30 + pounds of pure Midway lead on route. It came to 60 bucks with shipping which amounts to 2 bucks a pound. More than the scrap yard, but cheaper than the hardware store. I don't have junk yards close by and no time to visit the range to swipe someone elses lead.
Thoughts on cheap lead and sources?
I do reclaim all I can in my 50 and 75 yard sandtraps, melt it in a cast iron pot skim off the garbage then pour into 1 lb. ingots.
Thoughts on recycling lead?
If you are near a city that has elevators in high rise buildings, try the local elevator contractor (like Otis). They typically use lead for counterweights and may part with some if you say pretty please. I seem to recall the blocks are hundred pounders and they'll put on quite a few since they have to counter 2000 lbs of people.

I recycle same as you - by scrounging here and there. I picked up quite a bit of linotype years ago when newspapers were starting to dump type set, but those sources are long gone. We used to have a lead supplier in San Antonio and I even bought some new material from them but they are also out of business. I think scrap yards are the best sources if you know the origin.
Talk to a plumber. They have plumbing supply houses all over the place and they get the same pure lead as Midway for about $1.00 a pound. I had my brother ask his neighbor who's a plumber about it. He sent me up #10 pounds (2 ingots) of pure lead and a lot of lead pipe he had around the shop. I was surprised when he told my brother they still do sometimes repair lead pipes. I thought all of that went out years ago for PVC and copper....
I live in a small town, but we do have a scrap yard near us. I called him the other day, and got eighty pounds for ten cents per pound. :results:
Plumbers Lead a in pure lead, or a mixture of crap pieces of plumbing pipe collars & such, or batteries, or wheel weights, or hospital wall liners?
; Whatever the mixture, it's a great deal, but the muzzleloader requires pure lead, of at least 98% purity. The 'other' 1/2% from 'pure' plumbers lead can be tin, but not anitmony.
: Fresh, new, Plumbers Lead, is 99.6%(or is it 98.6%) pure. Either is just fine.
Definately call a plumbing/demolition contractor. They have to haul the stuff off and will often give it away (I always seem to get: "should have called yesterday, we gave away a ton.")

I get mine from a friend who has a scrap-yard. Old plumbing lead and odd sections of lead pipe. Works great.

Marinas - my sailboat has 5,600 lb of lead in the keel. You only need be on hand for when someone is hauling off a boat to the scrap-heap to be set for life. Keels are often modified or shortened for less draft. Worth asking.
I picked up couple hundred pounds of pipe lead, cut out all the joints, If I'd known you need some would been glad to part with a bunch. I use it mainly for weight in the back of the truck in the winter. I do cast, but what I have will last me forever.

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