The charges I spoke of are just fine - AS LONG AS. The gun is breeched properly. I would use the 4 to 5 dram charges in a 20 bore without worry as they are normal up here in .54's for moose. They wuld also be OK with buck and ball.
; In a 14 bore, (.69) THE 165 GR. charge of GOEX 2F will produce less than 10,000LUP. If this is within specs for the gun, then by all means, you may use it. This is for single ball only. I proofed my rifle at 360gr. and 2 balls.
: Use what the mfg'r says is OK. The service charges for original 1816's and 1842 muskets was 165gr. and 130gr., a portion of which was for priming. Although some would be dropped, and some would blow by, perhaps, the powder they had was still more potent than our's today. the original guns had damascus barrels, and in the case of any othr than HArpers Ferry guns, were of inferior quality. That is, the Springfield guns and perhaps contract firms put out inferior workmanship than did the Harpers Ferry group. they were still better - probably - than what passes for replicas today, although today's guns are made from modern steels that will allow great transgressions in workmanship.
: My buddy has an 1 1/8" barrel on his .75 rifle leaving a fairly thin barrel at the breech.(1 1/8" is 1.125" - .78[groove depth] = .345 divided by 2 = 0.1725" per side) That's less than 3/16" - almost exactly 11/64" per side and pleanty strong enough for those loads. He continually used 200gr. + a tightly patched .735 ball for sevral years for moose hunting. he has now reduced his charge to 100 to 120gr. to keep the balls inside the moose. They don't go down as hard, but he at least has a souvenere from each one he shoots now. His barrel is safe because it is properly breeched - is yours? Am I getting paranoid about safe breeching now? - HA!