Milk paint

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Nov 21, 2008
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For those who build their own wood camp gear how many have used milk paint to finish it with? I'm getting ready to do a small camp box in black and wondered if some one had some pics from their own.
I have used milk paint on several boxes. My finish is a mix of turpentine/beeswax/linseed oil(25/25/50%).
Black Hand said:
I have used milk paint on several boxes. My finish is a mix of turpentine/beeswax/linseed oil(25/25/50%).

Is this in place of paint or on top of the paint to seal it?

Foster From Flint
Thanks guys. I assume the the bee wax turpentine and oil will blend without being heated? and it is used as a top coat over the milk paint?
As a reply, the mixture is used over the milkpaint to seal and waterproof.

To produce the finish:
Dissolve the beeswax in the turpentine. This can be accomplished by shaving the beeswax into a jar and adding an equal volume of turpentine. For those less patient (like me), melt the beeswax, pour into a jar and add an equal volume of turpentine.

Once dissolved, add an equal volume of linseed oil to equal the volume of beeswax/turpentine. Mix well (with a stir-stick) and lid the jar. I use a a wide-mouth jelly canning jar.

The texture is soft and creamy. Spread onto the surface with a lint-free cloth. Allow to sit for a bit and wipe off the excess. Repeat. It helps to place the article in the sun to help the finish set. When fully set, wipe/buff to remove any excess wax.
Loyalist Dave said:
Super recipe, I can't wait to try it..., outdoors though, as the last time I used turpentine in my home my wife told me she was "not amused".

The turpentine smell quickly fades while the odor of linseed oil lingers for days....
I've made a few Windsor chairs and use milk paint on them. I don't put anything over the paint like the above mixture but it looks like it would be good for outdoor use. I buy my paint in powder form from this WEB SITE .
Here's a chair I made & painted. It has green, red & black paint on it. Not the best photo but I'm no photographer.

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