MLAIC - Miquelet Competition

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45 Cal.
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to learn more about MLAIC Miquelet competition. I gather from the MLAIC Website that it is for period style Smoothbore Military Muskets, and restricted to Service type ammunition, i.e. Paper Cartridges. Generally speaking no alteration to the Weapons is allowed - they are basically Service Class Muskets. This having been said, can anybody tell me more, i.e. details of loads people use, style of Paper Cartridges etc? The 10 ring is only 3.15" for this event, and the winners score in the mid & upper 90's - at 50 meters offhand! I'm well aware of some of the Smoothbore Musket Tricks used in other events, aluminum foil wraped balls, patched balle with wads, low charges, etc, but I am interested in how folks approach this particular event...

I would suggect that you go to this site;


And scroll to the bottom of the page. Join the Yahoo discussion group and you are sure to find people with expertise.

Also, go to;

US intl team

Follow the try out contacts and set yourself up to shoot tag targets etc. You may never be invited to shoot but it's a lot of fun. You get regular updates on your scores and other shooters scores. Kinda like a never ending postal match. You will also learn who are the top shooters in that discipline. These are people who are more than willing to help you with your shooting.
Thanx Marmot - I have checked out the MLAIC Site - and on your advice have joined the Yahoo Group & submitted my inquiry for consideration. We'll see what happens. Also checked out the US Team Site.

I've been feeling pretty smug about firing 40+ rounds a session, and putting all of them pretty much Center of Mass in a standard Military Silhouette Target offhand at 50 yds, but Man oh Man - a 3.15" 10 Ring? Don't know if I'll ever make the team, but I sure do wanna shoot like that!

ericb said:
I gather from the MLAIC Website that it is for period style Smoothbore Military Muskets, and restricted to Service type ammunition, i.e. Paper Cartridges.
Insofar as I am aware, the event is not restricted to cartriges. There are two classes, one original and one reproduction. The MLAIC discourage alterations to original firearms, however do permit modern shooting clothing. The top shooters generally have ISSF type clothing/equipment. The MLAIC forum is generally pretty quiet.

Not sure about the miquelet comp, but if memory serves, they require that each charge be premeasured in a specific container. Might be a glass container??

If so, that would preclude the use op paper cartridges.
Thanx guys. I wondered about the pre-measured charge thing, but then I also figured that a Paper cartridge is a pre-measured charge. Will have to dig into it a little more, And the MLAIC Forum is kinda quiet, but I have gotten a couple decent responses already.

**Just dug a little deeper. Apparently the "Historical Shooting Events" are not "Official" MLAIC matches. Here's the reg that got me wondering from Appendix 2, which includes rules for Historical Events:

"Loading of Arms: Loading must always be carried out in accordance with the original military procedure laid down for the model of arm in the country of origin (including paper cartridges) and with the use of the original ramrod or an identical reproduction thereof."

So if guys are shooting Patched Balls with over powder Wads & Cards in the Miquelet, which the replies on the MLAIC Forum have indicated, that explains the Scores I've seen. I would be interested in seeing scores from the Historical event.

Interesting, & good stuff. While I intend to continue my work with Paper Cartridges, I also plan to explore alternative methods, in an attempt to wring the most out of my Charleville...


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