Moose milk ratio

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36 Cal.
Jun 6, 2004
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I have read about different ratios of oil to water for making Moose Milk. These vary from 10% oil to water up to 25% oil to water.
What seems to be the optimum, if it makes any difference?
I have read about different ratios of oil to water for making Moose Milk. These vary from 10% oil to water up to 25% oil to water.
What seems to be the optimum, if it makes any difference?
well if your refering to the "Dutch Schultz" method...your gun makes the difference. what you do when you use it as a patch lube is start out with 3 or 4 to one mix and soak your patch material in and let dry then add more water making 5-1 soak the patch material etc. go to the range and shoot a string of three with each one ...your gun will tell which one it likes!
Good starten point for shooting a damp moose milk patch would be 10 parts water to 1 part oil.Easyest to measure these in ounces.If you want it slicker,try 7 to 1,less slick try 15 to 1.Ive gone down to 20 to1.The trick to good groups with moose milk is being consistant.I use a small bottle when shooten milk with a pin hole in the flip up spout.Put the spout on a dry patch an just squeeze gently moving the bottle on the patch as it dampens on the patch,same way every time.Just damp and applyed right before i load.If you wet em ahead of time they will start to dry out causing vertical stringing in the shots,same if you are inconsistant on how much juice you put on the patch,too much or too little from the previous patch shot will cause vertical stringing.I really havnt seen much difference in accuracy in most the milk potions that ive tryed once i learned to be consistant with the milk. :peace:
I've been using 25% oils, 25% alcohol, 50% water. But that is castor and Murphy's oils, plus witch hazel, which have little in common with NAPA cutting oil.

I allow the patches to air dry, so it is almost 100% oil when I shoot them.

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