Mustard on Knife

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40 Cal.
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Somebody tell me quick, how long do you leave the mustard on the blade to "age" it? I have one I need to fix fast for a mail to Christmas present.

I think they said around 24 hours and to keep doing it till you get the finish you want..Trying the mustard on a knife now,hope it works
Lets try the old before and after..
My cheap trapper/riflemans knife before mustard added to the blade..Cant lie its a kitchen knife with the antler handle added

Can't see the pic's Rick!
The only thing I ever tried the mustard thing on was a SS blade I tried to tone down,no luck. Tried the potato thing, bleach,Muratic Acid,no luck with any of them.
Iam begining to think SS won't turn. Don't think I want anymore SS blades!
Crap...sorry fooling with the albums and managed to deleate the pics..Here are before and after pics..I didnt want to blacken the blade so I left the mustard on abot 3 hours..Almost gives the blade a forged look..Also you can go to the addy for better pics of the knife..[url][/url]



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Man, I really like that. I just did one with naval jelly and I like the way this mustard thing turned out way better, looks lots more natural.

Off on a related tangent, anybody know a home remedy for putting some patina on brass? Buffalo horn?

I like the looks of Brass Black by Birchwood Casey. I follow the directions on the bottle and then rub it back to however I think the wear would look natural with 0000 steel wool. Then...I use patches from cleaning the fowling out of my rifles for more patina beyond the Brass Black. Looks great. You can buff it back then some more using the white Scotch-Brite pads.
stainless blades can be etched but it takes a bit of work to do..Do you have a pic of the blade?
:bow: Cooner. Ain't likely to find the Brass Black in my neck of the woods, but the thing about the powder fouling, shoulda had that one :youcrazy:

Who was it said that thing about age bringing smarts and wisdom? Apparently they weren't talking about me...
do like mowery50 said rub your cleaning patches on anything you want to look adged woorks great on brass and horn if your horn is polished wipe it down with alcocahol first to remove the polishing media then it will adsorbe the "stain" and give it that great aged look.
Not as of yet I am trying to get a couple of knives ready for Christmas presents. When I get them ready I will post pics.
They are both stainless I got one to take a darker look by using Birchwood Casey Browning Solution on it. :shocked2:
The other one will not seem to take anything to darken it. Belive me I have tried about everything I can think of with this blade.
Hope too have pics in the next couple of days!
Try using the fumes from household ammonia to patina brass ... put them in an enclosure suspended above the ammonia(not in the ammonia) over night .. air tight & continue to check on it. Do not know what this will do to steel though.

I tried almost everything on a stainless blade to tone it down, what works?
For stainless knives I leave them in the acid longer..Sometimes I have to touch them up with a bluing solution..
You can tone down the darker stains by using any of the commercial metal cleaners. To darken again, just put mustard back on and watch the metal until it get the colors you want.

YOu can clean it off again using vinegar, and salt. Just wet the surface with the vinegar then shake some salt on the blade, then add vinegar, than add some more salt. You can see it clean off before your eyes.