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Muzzleloadin' TV

Muzzleloading Forum

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40 Cal.
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Greetings guys.Just wonderin',has anyone ever tried to do a primitive muzzleloadin'TV show? It seems to me it would get a fair amount of audience.We could have Claude as host interviewin' all the Mark Baker's,along with gun builders,Knife makers,and such.On site rondy's with competitions and cookin' tips.A little bit of everthing for everyone.I'd surely watch it.With all the other "stuff" they show on OLN I can't imagine it wouldn't get an audience.They're airin' poker games,for cryin'out loud :shocked2: Any comments? :grin:
reminds me, seen a show,thinkin on oln, where the preveiw said "a hunt goin back in time" i thought this has to be good....turns out some guys were a goin primitive huntin alright,modern rifles... without scopes! dang my heart just sank...gees i'd settle fer a show with one episode that was primitive,even if it's just the weapon...specially if they caught a real good hangire....257 channels and nothins on... BUT I REALLY LIKE YER IDEA,I'D WATCH! RC :thumbsup:
:bow: I think if we all wanted to see TV programs that were based upon our myriad hobbies---Cable, Satelite etc. would be 24 x 7 x 365. OLN has carried some ML, albeit what I have seen is "in-line", ( not appealing to me personally ). Unfortunately we cannot get the local cable guys to even consider it,while the satelite companies have installers who look like terrorists, so there you are we are "forced" to live it on our own. Maybe that's a good thing--- :hatsoff:
Well you go to the canned hunt store and you pay your $12,000 dollars and open the gate and shoot it. Dang I thought everyone knew that :youcrazy: All kidding aside that Trad Bartta Guy was trying to shoot Grizzly bears with a laminated re curve the other night And coyotes on another. Maybe if we swamp him with e mails he will do an episode with a flint gun. :hmm:
You might be right Pasquenal.I suddenly got a sick feelin' picturin' city folk scamperin' through the woods.Oh well,.....In a perfect world........ :thumbsup:Still sounds like a pretty good ideaIMHO :winking:
Actually, there used to be a show put on by the NMLRA. I believe it was called "Muzzle Blasts", like the magazine. It seems it was rather short-lived. I never got to see the program. I think it was quickly superceded by "Inlines America"....(my attempt at biting satire)
No Deer said:
3 stinky dogs said:
He would have to shoot the odd elephant or grizzly to keep us interested.

Now where can we find odd elephants or grizzlies? :rotf:

Well to a non drinker a "pink" elephant would seem odd. :hmm:
I started a string on this very topic about 6 months ago. General opinion then was such a show would not get enough viewers and even fewer sponsers. 'Oh well. Did find a good site that carries several informative videos on traditional black powder hunting during that discussion. If you are interested - check out -[url] http://www.elusivecamo.com/quest.htm[/url]
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I would suspect that when the demographics showed a limited viewer potential and advertiser availability/interest it would never make it out of the shute...but it is a nice thought.
Thanks for the info J.R. You're probably right about the general population interest. Just seems that everybody I know has some sort of interest in some of the aspects of muzzleloading.If not in the actual guns themselves at least in the different times in history they were used.I guess I should expand my social circle :winking: .......... Nah.
2crows said:
Greetings guys.Just wonderin',has anyone ever tried to do a primitive muzzleloadin'TV show? It seems to me it would get a fair amount of audience.We could have Claude as host interviewin' all the Mark Baker's,along with gun builders,Knife makers,and such.On site rondy's with competitions and cookin' tips.A little bit of everthing for everyone.I'd surely watch it.With all the other "stuff" they show on OLN I can't imagine it wouldn't get an audience.They're airin' poker games,for cryin'out loud :shocked2: Any comments? :grin:

2 Crows, unlike some fellas, I too think such a TV show would create lots of interest. Granted, I have no idea who would pay to sponsor, or fund, getting such a show on the "air", unless those in "the business" (Lyman, Pedersoli, Chambers, ToTW, Goex, and etc.) thought it would increase their sales of traditional muzzleloaders and componets.

I think such a TV show would create lots of interest in folks "new" to muzzloading and who are now shooting modern inlines, most of which probaly have never used, or even considered buying a traditional muzzleloader.

Any exposure to traditional muzzleloading, can do nothing but help improve the public's awareness that traditional weapons and componets are still a viable and effective means of harvesting game.

I fear the modern inline manufactures have more marketing sense, than those who are manufactureing/building traditional muzzleloaders, and I think that is a real shame. :cursing:

Sometimes a business has to get aggressive and take a chance in order to create a demand for their product. Ask any of the inline manufacture's, I'm sure they would certainly agree.


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