58 Cal.
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With "Over Powder Wads" and "Patched Round Balls".
I returned home at 6:30 and went to work on the pics for this little essay here, I fired 50 rds off the bench today trying my hand at accuracy loading and I must admit that the results surprised me :shocked2:
I must admit that I was shooting with a handicap today as I am out of contacts and must shoot with my glasses, this drastically affects my sight picture as the contacts put the focal plane right on the eye as opposed to 1" away like with glasses. I also was using a target that I am not familiar with so it also added a bit of a handicap. At this point I feel that the tests were inconclusive and will need follow up testing to confirm the results.
There has been quite a bit of discussion regarding OPWs and PRBs and the accuracy improvement by using both for a given load, but there never seems to be any pictures involved to substantiate the claims made by those that praise the use of an OPW with a PRB. I made a statement in another thread about my thoughts on using OPWs and was immediately called out for it :grin:, so the following post contains the results of my range time today.
Each target contains 10 shots across an Oehler 35P chronograph, the load information is on the targets, at the end I took a picture of the printouts from the chrono so there is no mixup in information.
I made my OPWs from a 100% wool felt hat and melted grease so that it would soak into the wads, the grease mixture was Olive Oil and Beeswax 60/40. I used 1/2"(.505") and 9/16"(.565") wads made from an automotive punch for gaskets.
What I found was that the loads with the wads were consistantly larger than the loads without the wads, go figure.
Anyway heres the pics...
Wads and punch...
View from the bench thru the chronograph at the 50yd backstop at our private playground...
Without OPWs, this was shot at 2 seperate targets and then both 5 shot groups were transfered to this target...
With OPWs, same transfer tecnique...
Without OPWs all 10 shots were done on this target, no transfers...
With OPWs...
This is a five shot group 3 weeks or so ago for comparison, that was fired with the same components and me with contacts, just for reference...
The tapes...
I am going to order some of the wads that are being used by the guys that are singing the praises and see if that changes things.
I returned home at 6:30 and went to work on the pics for this little essay here, I fired 50 rds off the bench today trying my hand at accuracy loading and I must admit that the results surprised me :shocked2:
I must admit that I was shooting with a handicap today as I am out of contacts and must shoot with my glasses, this drastically affects my sight picture as the contacts put the focal plane right on the eye as opposed to 1" away like with glasses. I also was using a target that I am not familiar with so it also added a bit of a handicap. At this point I feel that the tests were inconclusive and will need follow up testing to confirm the results.
There has been quite a bit of discussion regarding OPWs and PRBs and the accuracy improvement by using both for a given load, but there never seems to be any pictures involved to substantiate the claims made by those that praise the use of an OPW with a PRB. I made a statement in another thread about my thoughts on using OPWs and was immediately called out for it :grin:, so the following post contains the results of my range time today.
Each target contains 10 shots across an Oehler 35P chronograph, the load information is on the targets, at the end I took a picture of the printouts from the chrono so there is no mixup in information.
I made my OPWs from a 100% wool felt hat and melted grease so that it would soak into the wads, the grease mixture was Olive Oil and Beeswax 60/40. I used 1/2"(.505") and 9/16"(.565") wads made from an automotive punch for gaskets.
What I found was that the loads with the wads were consistantly larger than the loads without the wads, go figure.
Anyway heres the pics...
Wads and punch...

View from the bench thru the chronograph at the 50yd backstop at our private playground...

Without OPWs, this was shot at 2 seperate targets and then both 5 shot groups were transfered to this target...

With OPWs, same transfer tecnique...

Without OPWs all 10 shots were done on this target, no transfers...

With OPWs...


This is a five shot group 3 weeks or so ago for comparison, that was fired with the same components and me with contacts, just for reference...

The tapes...

I am going to order some of the wads that are being used by the guys that are singing the praises and see if that changes things.