I took a couple elements from my family's longrifles and put them on this horn. Boy that
camera is not forgiving. I better pay more attention to detail. I crossed over 50 and my
eyes are going quickly.
:haha: :haha: :haha: I know what you mean about a camera not being forgiving. But like the master horners say, your scratching does not need to be perfect and yours is just fine.
I know the feeling about the eyes not doing what they once did- but nothing says you can't splurge and get your refraction updated. (I also cheat with a magnifier/light, which does great things for me, especially when i get my glasses on before i pick up a tool )
The horn looks good to me. Keep at it, although, by way of warning, they can be surprisingly habit- forming.)
your hooked! :surrender: :thumbsup:
i started with "only one horn"....i don't remember how many i have done now~and i have a "stash" of horns yet-to-be-done!!!!!
nice work~let the idea's flow!!!!! :hatsoff:
Thanks for the encouragement. I just tried my first attempt at raised carving maple to practice for a longrifle build. That's alot harder than it looks. I think the key is having extremely sharp tools. I'm going to try and find someone to teach me how to properly sharpen them.