My first horn

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32 Cal.
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
Below is my first attempt at a simple powder horn.
It is made from a bullock's horn with the carry strap made of glass beads woven on a loom.
I had fun doing it and aim to make other gear, as we do a little enacting over here.
Couldn't seem to get 2 photos on the post.
Thanks for looking.
Cj .........
Look's good for your first!...Nice job! :thumbsup:

May I suggest, that you might want to back your beaded strap with cloth or leather to help strengthen it! JMHO

Rick :hatsoff:
This is the second pic that I wanted to show, the butt plug was screwed in,I do wood turning so it was a good project for me. I have the second horn from the bull and my mate wants one so I will make him one out of it similar. I guess that will make it l/hand?
There are 12 strands in the strap and each is about 20 lbs breaking strain, so I didn't feel it needed a backing, but may do it as it is "slippery" The "how to" tutional on photos got this one on easily, great!!!!
Thanks for the comments ..... Cj .....
I think you will find you want to replace those upholstery tacks at some time in the future. They are really too big for use with powder horns. Nice "First Horn". :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

You have done a much better job than I have yet, ive built three...... none have looked this good! :hatsoff: :thumbsup:
CJ, You might want to put a couple coats of clear finger nail polish or a thin coat of epoxy on the threads of your base plug, both female and male threads. Of course not at the same time and screw together!.... By doing this, it will help not wearing those threads down and loosening the base plug up!

Looks good! :thumbsup:

Good idea Rick,especially right now as we have had over 1 meter of rain in the past 3 days, you might say it's a little wet!!! Would a band of copper wire be out of place on a horn? I would like to try it on a future one.Right now I am working on a tomahawk, making it from discarded bits as I presume would have happened back then in the remote places.
The people on this site certainly have me fired up, many thanks......... Cj. :applause:
CJ, If your just making a horn for yourself and not worried about being PC or HC....anything is great, but if you are wanting to make a powder horn that is more correct for looking historic. I wouldn't use copper wire on it, as all wire was very precious and rare for the average person. Iron wire would be another matter!

Very nice. Better than my first horn... Quite a lot better. I envy horners that have good wood working skill. It gives you a real advantage on the learning curve.
I REALLY like the quality of your wood working. You done a fine job. I need a wood lathe for sure. I been using a jig saw and hand sanding everything....mine looks like a 1st grader did
That is a very nice horn, especially for a first effort! I'm still using factory horns, but maybe someday ... just hope when I do it'll be almost as good as yours!

look deeeeeeeeeeply into this post ... you are getting very sleepy ... you are very relaxed ... when you get to the end of this sentence, you will be completely relaxed and nearly asleep ...

now you are getting out your wallet and calling the woodworking supply place and ordering a lathe and a modest assortment of tools ...

now you are feeling more awake ...

you are looking around your woodpile and finding bits of log which will make good projects

the odd bits of interesting looking wood are finding their way onto the lathe ...

you are turning more projects ...

you are becoming more proficient ...

you are nearly awake ... when you get to the end of this sentence, you will feel awake and refreshed, but you will remember nothing of what we have discussed ...

hey, Honey, how did all this sawdust get on the floor?

(insert MadScientist laugh here) BWAhahahah!
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

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