Ok I got Logan's book at the library I had to get it interlibrary loan and I copied some of the plans in the book. The problem I had was most were for guns made with recievers and every thing wound up too long and into the wrist by quite a way which I felt was no good. So I came up with this idea which is really borrowed from a Knight inline system in a way as it is a plunger in a tube powered by a coil spring. The nut on the plunger acts like a safety as if it is up towards the tube the gun will not fire as the plunger will not hit the nipple and cap. It also helps having it that postion while capping the rifle and getting rid of the spent cap. The hole will be covered with a brass cover of some sort I have not figured that out yet. The sear/trigger is not what I will be using but a mock up just so you can see what I have in mind. Lots of work to do on the stock yet and the sear trigger but I figured I would post these pics now so you guys can see what I came up with. I suppose a machinist could come up with a better looking system based on the same principle but since I am always low on funds and cannot afford a machinist to do anything I have to come up with what I can. Parts will be blackened so they are not shiney. I tried out the mock up and it does work fine and fires the cap no problem. Like I said lots of work to do yet. I also will come up with a trigger guard that will come from the back to protect the trigger assembly; Top Pic is shotgun bottom is rifle.