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Oct 13, 2011
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Nice! Since I'm really new to the muzzleloading scene I would be interested where you obtain a horn and also leather to make a bag. I have access to various types of wood and people consider me a real handyman.

I'm not a city-slicker but I'm also not a pure country boy..

Any suggestions would help! :thumbsup:
It's helpful for new members to use the search feature. Searching for "leather" or "horn" in the Craftsman forum will give you a wealth of information. You have nothing to loose by trying.
Good question Rich, and there's lots of answers.

I get most of my leather from Tandy because it's convenient and they have the kinds I need and lots of tools. There are other cheaper sources of leather, but convenience sells for me. They list horns too, but in my experience they're marginal unless you can visit a store and pick through their supply.

I get lots of hardware I need from Track of the Wolf. Noodle around there and you'll find all sorts that's useful for bags and horns, and a lot of other accessories. Horns, too. They've also got lots of examples of finished stuff you can learn from and copy as you want.

Can't find them in my favorites file right now, but there are lots of other sources for horn and hardware, but usually not as big a selection and variety all in one place. TOW is just convenient for me.

I get most of my horns from our own cattle or from neighbors, but those days are gone for most folks. Number one, not a lot of cattle in the US grow up with horns any more, and number two, not many folks live outside of town any more. I can't say it's "easy" to get them any more, even for me. I just like the "feel" of using horn from animals I know.
For horns, dare I mention the other evil empire besides Walmart? Oh why not...try ebay. If you do a search for powder horms you'll find everything from really cheapie looking souvenir quality ones to lots of raw horns ready to be worked.

I actually found and bought a really nice looking powder horm on ebay several years ago in the $20 range that I still use. In fact, it's the one in my profile pic at left. Just got to be careful about what you are getting. Happy hunting!! :thumbsup:
If you want to get into the spirit of muzzleloading you can tan out a deer hide and make what you want from the hide. If you are not a hunter you can do this: Go to a small country town, and put an add in the news paper saying your looking for deer hides and will pay$3, $5 or $10 a hid. I have put an add just asking for the hides and got all I needed. Also look for a small town restaurant and see if they have a bulletinbord that you can post an add on. As for horns you can look for a cattle farmer, dairy farm, or slaughter house and see if any of these have horns you can get for free.
Fresh cow horns need to be packed in salt for a few weeks or else they will really develope a smell! How do I know this? Experience !! :idunno: :idunno: