Mad Irish Jack
40 Cal.
Everything I'm wearing I made except the glasses which are documented originals at 1803 to 1805. I also made the lantern, chair and table.
The shooting bag and green tam were prizes won in shooting matches at rendezvous. Everything else I made.
These are my Ft Ligonier pack boots made from a pattern I got from the Ft Ligonier historical archives in Ligonier PA. I also made a summer pair, I have the pattern and construction directions. If you want a copy, send me an email or PM with your addy & I'll e-mail them to you. I built two other pair for Friends. They are twenty-seven years old and still going strong.
These are detail photo close ups of my Early Lancaster .54 cal I built back in 1994.
These are MY guns (Early Lancaster .54 cal and my Tulle .69 cal/ 20 ga. I finished both from the white. There are NO OTHERS like them. They're oneof a kinds. Everything you build using you design and quirks, are one of a Kind...originals!
This is an Early (Full Stock) Hawken I built using some documented original parts in its' construction. I built it in 1991 and sold it in 1995.
I don't consider myself a master craftsman at any of these crafts. But, I was told by a grey beard in 1978, when I started in MLing; "Back in the period, one built or made anything they could for themselves. Then you traded what you can do for that which you cannot. Then, as a last resort, buy only what you must." Also, "You never know what you can do until you try to do it."
I took this to heart and have built/made/sewn about 90-95% of everything I have. Everyone should TRY to DIY. There's a lot more pride in it and your first item made is never as nice as the last one you've done. You get better with practice. You can always practice on scrap items before you try on the good stuff. If you're lucky, you might find someone who might be willing to mentor you in some craft. So, don't be afeared to give anything a try.
The shooting bag and green tam were prizes won in shooting matches at rendezvous. Everything else I made.
These are my Ft Ligonier pack boots made from a pattern I got from the Ft Ligonier historical archives in Ligonier PA. I also made a summer pair, I have the pattern and construction directions. If you want a copy, send me an email or PM with your addy & I'll e-mail them to you. I built two other pair for Friends. They are twenty-seven years old and still going strong.
These are detail photo close ups of my Early Lancaster .54 cal I built back in 1994.
These are MY guns (Early Lancaster .54 cal and my Tulle .69 cal/ 20 ga. I finished both from the white. There are NO OTHERS like them. They're oneof a kinds. Everything you build using you design and quirks, are one of a Kind...originals!
This is an Early (Full Stock) Hawken I built using some documented original parts in its' construction. I built it in 1991 and sold it in 1995.
I don't consider myself a master craftsman at any of these crafts. But, I was told by a grey beard in 1978, when I started in MLing; "Back in the period, one built or made anything they could for themselves. Then you traded what you can do for that which you cannot. Then, as a last resort, buy only what you must." Also, "You never know what you can do until you try to do it."
I took this to heart and have built/made/sewn about 90-95% of everything I have. Everyone should TRY to DIY. There's a lot more pride in it and your first item made is never as nice as the last one you've done. You get better with practice. You can always practice on scrap items before you try on the good stuff. If you're lucky, you might find someone who might be willing to mentor you in some craft. So, don't be afeared to give anything a try.