NEET Gadget.

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Impulse shopping again.
Bought ticking AND diaper material. Bought a circular cloth cutter and cutting board. I can cut hundreds of diaper material (100% absobant cotton) patches in half an hour.
Cut strips of ticking, enough for hundreds of patched balls in minutes. Neetest thing since Triple 7. :what: :what:
Did I say that outloud? ::
Impulse shopping again.
Bought ticking AND diaper material.

We needeed to know about the ticking, but...

Well, at your age, all I can say is, it's Zonie's turn to change you... :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
That is what I use. I can cut 8 layers of ticking easily & cut about 1200 opatches in 15 min ...

First one I bought had the board with the cutter attached, but it would only cut two layers. Took it back & got a 60mm cutter, separate 36" cutting board & 36" plastic rule/guide.. man that bably will do the trick..... It will cut 8 layers of ticking easily at one time. Will flat out slice the H out of your finger too, & I found out REAL quick !

I am past the diaper stage tho. aaawwwha ha ha ha :crackup: :crackup:
What is a circular cloth cutter and cutting board? I also have used diaper material for cleaning patches.
Everybody just ignore musketman.
Everyone knows diaper material will hold a ton of sh$t. :crackup: :crackup:
As birddog says it'll speed cutting patches, both cleaning patches and roundball patches. And as he says it'll cut multiple layers as easy as one layer.
It's called a "rotary" cutter, the cutting edge is a wheel, they come in differnt sizes from about 30mm to the one I have which is 65mm.
I bought the rotary cutting matt also because it has lines you can use to cut the strips to the desired width.
Got to any Wal-Mart or fabric store, mingle with the little ol' ladies that are into "crafty" things and the boys that walk funny and ask for help. The ladies probably know you're a muzzle loader kinda guy, the guys will think you're one 'a them.
Musketman. Might the only way you can get a date. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
"It's called a "rotary" cutter, the cutting edge is a wheel, they come in differnt sizes from about 30mm to the one I have which is 65mm."

Anybody got a picture? This "Neat gadget" sounds like something I might need.

When I was in the Army,1957 - 1979, just about everybody kept a couple of "Birds-eye" diapers stuck away in their wall locker for spit-shinning their boots (It was Cochran's in those days).....since that time, I've always kept a few diapers around for cleaning.
They simply can't be beat!
I've never used them for patching...probably because of their cost, the fact they are often hard to find, and they have so many other uses. However, they do last a life time.

Don't belittle the lowly diaper. It's hard to improve on.

Kinda "****** subject", don'tcha think? but one well worth mentioning IMO. If the two, or three, I do have isn't in threads, I just might give it a try.
Maxi. Do you need a loan? I can "float ya" a buck twenty nine 'til payday...if need be?
What also works well for me is a school type paper cutter. the one that looks like the sword of damaclese attached to a board. It can cut a bunch of cleaning patches in a hurry! BJH
Russ, haven't figured out this digital camera thing yet, but go into any fabric store and you'll find a number of these gizmo's. Neatest thing in the world.
I'm not knocking the paper cutter "sword" but the rotary cutter is THE way to go. Awesome tool.
About the buck twenty-nine, yes I COULD use an advance on my paycheck, darned near broke, so broke I can't even pay attention. :what:
Russ, haven't figured out this digital camera thing yet, but go into any fabric store and you'll find a number of these gizmo's. Neatest thing in the world.
I'm not knocking the paper cutter "sword" but the rotary cutter is THE way to go. Awesome tool.
About the buck twenty-nine, yes I COULD use an advance on my paycheck, darned near broke, so broke I can't even pay attention. :what:

Maxiball...I wasn't offering! I just wondered if ya COULD use the loan...I ain't plumb dumb, I learned me lesson from SSE. :crackup: :crackup:

"Maxiball...I wasn't offering! I just wondered if ya COULD use the loan...I ain't plumb dumb, I learned me lesson from SSE."

Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
And it's really a double-whammy for I understand it, the patch knife was a top-of-the-line premium grade one-of-a-kind model, AND now you're out the money too!!