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New Chambers

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user 49399

54 Cal.
Nov 26, 2020
Reaction score
I took the new to me Chambers .62 caliber smooth rifle out for the second time. For all shots, I used 60 grains of Scheutzen 2f and primed from the same horn. Over powder and over shot/ball wadding was jute tow.

At 25 yards with hand cast .60 caliber round balls and then 65 grains of #6 shot.

Then at 50 yards. Round ball only.

Here’s my set up from top to bottom. My powder horn, the Chambers, the garden knife, jute tow and hand cast .60 balls and homemade shot horn with bamboo powder measure. I like everything about this gun. It’s a dandy!

The load I’m using is good . The shot pattern is good. All it will take to tighten up the round ball group is more practice with the gun.
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Thanks Grenadier,

I was sitting at a shooting table and resting on my elbows for the shots pictured. I took some other shots off hand and am really happy with how this gun handles.

On this day, I was still just shooting for familiarity. At some point I will get serious and shoot off sand bags to see what this gun can really do. I don’t expect to be disappointed.😄
I don't think you'll be disappointed. Those are very fine guns and no deer will be safe. The turkeys better watch out too.
That is some pretty good shooting if you ask me. The gun is very nice as well. I would like to acquire something like that one day. Seems like I always just missed it. But, should you and I ever meet, I would love to see the garden knife in person. It seems to fit perfectly in pictures like that.
That is some pretty good shooting if you ask me. The gun is very nice as well. I would like to acquire something like that one day. Seems like I always just missed it. But, should you and I ever meet, I would love to see the garden knife in person. It seems to fit perfectly in pictures like that.

Thank you Tim. I got an unbelievable deal on that gun. I poured 120 round balls for it today and will get serious with it in a few days to see what it can really do.

I’ve never had a knife I like as good as that one. It fits my hand just right and is always with me on the farm or in the woods.
I went in the local gun shop today to look at a Lyman GPR in 54 caliber and an old Henry Parker percussion in either 38 or 40 caliber. The fellers there were all interested in my knife and we ended up talking more about it than the guns.😄