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Bob Riegl

50 Cal.
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well thanks to great advice from Slowpoke and Wild Ed, and William C. Young for his Wahkon Bay Browning Agent. This was an experiment for me from beginning to end. While I am a wood carver, specializing in Shore Birds and Birds in General---I used my power woodcarving tools and hand skills to shape the stock and finish it. With a lot of questions and a lot of answers and help from the above mentiond forum members, in Red Skelton's words ....." I dood it..." :thanks:
:agree: I dont't know how you could have ever done it without me... :crackup:

In all seriousness, that a cool looking underhammer. It turned out great!!! What kind of stain did you use on the stock?

Pasquenel thats a good looking smoke pole. Whose receiver did you use on that UH?


Oh yeah! I love that bench too :thumbsup:
The stain was a Minwax Golden Oak---pre- stained with some Dark Walnut to bring out some figure in the wood and darken slightly. Four coats of polyurethane---rubbed with 120 grit golden swiss "paper" between each coat exept the last was buffed with 180, followed by myriad coats of finishing wax and further buffing. The underhammer action came in the kit---this is an older Deer Creek Kit ( as far as I know) from the serial number. :thumbsup:
I think somebody screwed up or you got sold a bill of goods! That hammer is in the wrong spot!! Isn't suppose to be on the side or the top? Next you will be seeing flinters with the pan on the bottom! About as practical as a plastic prybar! :crackup:
Next you will be seeing flinters with the pan on the bottom! About as practical as a plastic prybar! :crackup:

A good flintlock WILL fire upside down. If fact, it's a possibility that the priming charge may be detonated more uniformly since it's suspended in space rather than laying on the pan floor.

Just think, it would be more rainproof.

Of course, you might want to ensure that you aren't wearing anything flammable on your upper torso or sleeves. ::
Poof! Dan Haggerty returns!
underhammer flintlocks have been around a 100 something years pics in logans underhammer gun 1740 ! the USA builders really took off with makeing all kinds. fw
nice looking underhammer. don't let anybody tell you the hammers in the wrong spot! it just fine.

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