new horn

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40 Cal.
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
My second hand made horn. (Don't have pics of the first, it was a christmas present)

Photo may not come out well, I may have to repost them soon, but wanted to get this out there.

Nice job from what I can see. Fun, isn't it? Is that plug as long as it looks in the photo or is just the angle?
No, it's not the angle. The plug is almost an inch thick, and I could set it only a little more than halfway into the horn. After I started sanding (my intention was to dome it to meet the horn edge), I decided to leave it 1/4" thick at the edge and flat on top. Rounded the wood edge over so it looked "smooth" and sealed it with beeswax and olive oil mix.

It is tacked in with brass nails, and I used a solid brass drawer knob with a screwback.

The stopper is a dry hickory stick cut, shaved, and wax/oil sealed.

The tip end is layered in three tiers (thin at the tip, then fatter, then thinner, then fatter, then even fatter). That's the part I think I did best on.

I'm not the best craftsman in the world, but she's watertight, and holds about a third of a pound of BP.

I'll see if I can get clearer pics, (takes time, I don't have a digital camera and can't fit the horn into the scanner). :grin:

Maybe if I do enough of them, I'll get halfway decent.

So, how many horns have you guys made before you were happy (or at least satisfied)??

I've made maybe eight or so. And it's a constant learning experience, not to mention misjudging the angle of the small end and drilling out thru the side...that happened twice so far. I did find that after you drill the hole for the spout, a tapered reamer works great for enlarging the hole and tapering it so that you can make a tapered plug to match. This way, the plug seats better and you can turn or file a fancy end on it.

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