New Horn

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40 Cal.
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Well I tackled my first cow horn an made my father a powderhorn for Christmas, I'd done a buffalo horn before an found this one to be a lot easier to work with than the buff was, was also my first try at scrimshaw an it didn't turn out to bad, didn't try anything to elaborate. the staple is a electrical staple that I heated and twisted and the plug is pine an the powder measure is made from the tip.


Yes an since I got a new flintlock for Christmas, well naturally I need a new powderhorn and I need to make me a priming horn also. Guess I'll be contacting powderhornsandmore as soon as I get paid.
the Scrim is india ink, the dark top of the horn is Mahogany leather dye, the lighter portion of the horn is Rit yellow with a touch of orange and brown. the pine base is LMF oak I think.

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