New Horn

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40 Cal.
Jul 6, 2009
Reaction score
I haven't posted for a while, mainly because I am finally employed again and I have been on the road for the last 4 weeks. But, anyway, I got home yesterday and since I have been suffering from withdrawal, over not being in the shop for so long, I thought I would see what I could come up with in a little less than 24 hours.
Here is the final product and I guess the main lesson is don't overthink your project. Just enjoy what you do and the result will usually be pretty nice.

12 in. around the curve
2 7/8 in. at the base
lathe turned plug and hand carved spout plug.
base plug is elm and it is pinned with wooden pegs
horn was hand scrapped and made to look a little rustic.


24 Hrs and you could only come up with one horn???
Gettin a little rusty aintcha Ron? :shocked2:
Good looking horn, Glad to see you back in the shop!! :v
Yea james, thats all I could come up with but ya gotta remember I spent half that time just lookin fer tools :idunno: :idunno: :rotf:
Good to hear from ya :thumbsup:
Thanks Swampy,
I was just taking a gander at your soon to be horn. That Rick is a true master :thumbsup:
Welcome home, Ron!! Nice horn, too!! As I told everyone here, I love this powder measure, haven't used it yet, but soon.
Have fun in your shop.
Ron, Thanks for the compliment, but your no beginner by any means! Again, Great horn and good to hear from you! ... That two tone spout is exceptional and I really like your elm turned plug guy!

Mike and Rick, thanks for your comments. Its amazing what a calming effect a little horn dust has on me. Another day in the shop and I might almost feel human again.

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