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I recently purchased a .54 Pedersoli Mortimer Flint Combo from my now deceased neighbor's wife. Her husband was an avid Muzzleloader and BPCR enthusiast and I wish I could have learned more from him in the short time I knew him. Yesterday I got a call from his wife to come by and make an offer for what was left of his collection. I stopped in and naturally got it all. I picked up a Hopkins & Allen Underhammer Rifle .45 cal with a 24" and 31" barrel wedge pin style. I picked up an Indian made Brown Bess Carbine and Pedersoli Brown Bess Musket 41" barrel .75 cal but they have lots of rust as his nephew used them and cleaned them poorly and put them in a closet when he dropped them back off to my neighbor's wife. I picked up a Thompson Center Renegade .54 caliber Flintlock with a Green Mountain 33" barrel (twist rate unknown) and lastly the crown jewel... an original Mortimer of London Double Barrel 10 gauge percussion shotgun. I have some questions though....

1). What is the best way to remove hard rust from a muzzleloader like a Brown Bess ? I feel it will not be so hard as they have smoothbores and large round barrels making it easier to clean. I will post pictures tomorrow as the rust is quite a sight and would've had a soldier back in the day thrown in the brig... lol

2). Can I contact Green Mountain Barrel Company and give them the serial number off my barrel to get the information about the rate of twist ? Is this feasible or are their no records kept of that ?

3). The Mortimer of London according to both my neighbor and her son was her husband's go to Canadian Goose Shotgun. He used it every year with its last use being December of 2021. His son did not know the load his father used nor what year the shotgun was produced just that his father said it was most likely produced before the American Civil War.

3a).What is a good starting load for a 10 gauge shotgun in terms of powder ?

I would like to fire some "blanks" just powder and some fiber wads to see if the gun fires well just by loading a charge of powder and some fiber wads.

Then once I find that the shotgun fires I will try placing shot inside of the barrels with the powder charge. I know the shotgun worked as of 2021 cause my neighbor's son recorded his father shooting it but it has sat idle for almost 2 years and I just dont want to fill it full of shot just yet. I know I saw someone post about using 120gr FFG, 3oz of shot in a new Brown Bess. I dont want to go that high but I am looking for an insight on what a good load would be for Canada Geese. I have some bismuth and a T Shot (.20") mould I use for casting shot for my unmentionables since Bismuth wont destory an old barrel and is non toxic. I want to know what a good load range to start and play with would be.

I will post pictures of the muzzleloaders over the next couple of days to this thread if I have time to give everyone some insight. I thank all who replies to this thread.
