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62 Cal.
Mar 6, 2005
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i was thinking of bottling water and put on a label saying FOR CLEANING BLACK POWDER.hardly any overhead just buy bottles fill them at the spigot and install the label.i wonder how much to charge for a bottle of this cleaning solution? :m2c:
i was thinking of bottling water and put on a label saying FOR CLEANING BLACK POWDER.hardly any overhead just buy bottles fill them at the spigot and install the label.i wonder how much to charge for a bottle of this cleaning solution? :m2c:

"....all natural, non-toxic, bio-degradable, safe for human consumption...."the list could go on and on
Evian water is like $1.29 a bottle. You should go higher. (Spelled backwards is "Naive")

Label it "Long Range Magnum Water" and the in-line shooters will buy it up. You can also stick a "Fat Free" decal on the bottle.
Yea, why go to the extra expense of actually shipping the water, the weight adds to the cost, just ship the empty bottle with the directions on it to just add water and then use as is. :crackup:
Yeah put some water soluable something or another in the bottle so the customer thinks adding water is diluting a concentrated barrel cleaner. ::
How about this? Since there's air in the bottle, you could label the bottle as "Oxygenated Cleaning Solution - Just Add Water". Then you can cash in on the oxygenation wave! :kid:
As PT Barnum said "There is one born every minute"or something like that.Actually you may be infringing on a patent since there are all kinds of products out there for cleaning BP rifles that are not much more than water or that water is the main ingredient.I am constantly amazed by what us BP nuts will spend money on,coming from a frugal generation is a curse I guess but I am a firm believer that the least cost, simplest solution, that works is the best,for me H20 & dish detergent works fine.I wish you success in your new water business.
Make sure you add some red, blue or green food coloring. It makes it look more high-tech.
Black Hand
If you want to sell it in ALL states, don't forget the mandatory warning label:

"It is known to the state of Kalifornia that this product may contain lead..." :haha:
Good Idea! And some really good responses. I like the idea of a few drops of food coloring in a 12 or 16 oz bottle. When the water hits, you have colored cleaning solution!

"Do not take internally. If accidently swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Flush system with water. After use, wash hands with large amounts of water to prevent drying of the skin." "Residue may contain lead".

$4.95 for 12 oz bottle
$5.95 for 16 oz bottle

I can sell some to my son.
Gee, been using that cleaning solvent for years.

Does that mean that I owe you for using your product all this time? :what:

(Don't even try to cash that check!)
smile: :)

Actually, if you can prove prior use and have the money and lawyers, then he pays you.

Just ship the bottles with just food dye and mark it dehydrated H2O, just add water.

Just :m2c:

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