at the local gunshow i got a very nice used flintlock and the price was very right.., it would have easily cost 2-3 times more at our favorite mail cataloge.... its got a 44 inch swamped barrel, nice lock dont know which one, uses about 5/8 inch wide flints, set trigger, custom made by local gunsmith many years ago, no gaps anywhere, probably 1/60 twist about..probably unfinished and extra wood for owner to finish out.. now the barrel is practically browned but bore is excellent.. now id like your input on some of its points i may want to change or fix.. the lock mainspring is pretty light but no slow fires today with about 6 shots at our portable gong curing a break from hunting. its very fast.. its actually what i guess is a target gun.. it has a set trigger that must be set before you cock it and fires with an 8 ounce trigger pull :shocked2: .. is there any way i can make this into about 1 1/2 pounds?.. the flash hole has a sloted liner that is loose unless i leave it a tiny bit recessed from the lock pan, and must be screwed out about 1/4 turn to meet the pan.. flash hole location is excelent.. the gun is front end heavy total of about 9 1/2 pounds.. is there a big problem of taking it to .58 cal? can the barrelmakers do this without haveing a longer piece to start? i like a sling,, , do i need to go thru a dovetailed lug in the barrel, or can i just put it thru the wood? its got lots of wood up front,all over for that matter, and is curly maple.. has lots of dings, and is quite dark, my son really likes it becouse its colors are woodsy looking and he hunts whitetail.. it shoots on at 50 yards with 80 grains 3fg goex.. this load was used today, becouse the owner said to use 70 grains fffg and that is what i brought, and it shot low at 50 yards so i upped it to 80.. im guessing that is about 1600 feet persecond.. the owner has won several target matches with it at our now defunct local black powder club.. id like to start out with a sling and heavier trigger.. how much of a problem is it to just put in a regular trigger, or can i interchange to a double set trigger, or alter the one i have, if im getting the nomenclature right.. and maybe a white lightning touchhole liner if you guys dont like the loose 1/4 inch .085 flashhole sloted liner.., thanks dave