Newbie from northeast pa.

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Feb 10, 2018
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New to the boards so please bear with me. Im from northeast pa. Love to hunt and fish and kayak. Pretty much anything to do with the outdoors. I had a question about a sling. Whats the easiest way to post a pic of what I’m talking about? Thanks in advance
Welcome to the Forum. :hatsoff:

I can't help you with posting pics, but if you go to the Forum Index, and on the left column under "The Forum" the second item is "Using the Forum". Click on that, and you should find a thread that will help you. If not, Zonie, or some other helpful member will come along shortly and enlighten you.

Beautiful country you live in. What's your area of interest in muzzleloading?

I use

It is free and you get excellent pics to post.
Take a pic (I use an iPhone), download it to computer desktop (I always run it through iPhoto or any photoshop-style app to clean it up), then export it back to my computer desktop, go to and then download it to their site using the default setting. They then provide you with four different URL's for various things, (copy and paste the IMG code for Forums and Message Boards) including sites like ML Forum.
Oh, and I'm biased from personal bad experience, but I wouldn't use Photobucket for posting photos to forums, if you want everyone to enjoy them.
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