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Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
probies this morning took to BP revolver shooting like ducks to water.

Two of them had never fired ANY kind of handgun in their lives, thanks to the enlightened attitude of the law-makers here in UK, so shooting a Ruger Old Army, even with squeakpip loads, was a real first-time experience for them.

I loaded up the first cylinder-full, and let them watch me shoot, then they did a bit of dry-firing to get used to the trigger. Next I helped them to load up, and off they went.

There were three face-splitting grins and lots of 'wows', and all three are going to get a BP revolver of some kind or other when they apply for their firearms licence. Only two months to go before they can do that - here in UK they have to be probies for six months before they can apply.

They will all be fine shots, I'm sure - the lady put three out of six in an eight-inch target at 25m - first-time EVER shooting a handgun of any kind!

Sure do make you feel good!

Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund
Good going, and all that rot! Forgive my ignorance, but we do not speak English across the big pond. What is a PROBIE??? :hmm:
Good for you...we all need all the new people we can get into our shooting sports !
Ya done good tac. Exposing more people to the wonderful world of shooting sports and winning them over. Thank you for being an ambassador for us all. More of us should take on that role.

flintlock62 said:
Good going, and all that rot! Forgive my ignorance, but we do not speak English across the big pond. What is a PROBIE??? :hmm:

Simple slang for someone who is at a probationary level.

Lots of folks don't speak "English" on this side of the pond either. :wink:

Good show tac for helping 3 more find the dark side. :thumbsup:
Well done! Thanks for bringing some new shooters over to the dark side! New shooters are the future of our sport.
flintlock62 said:
Good going, and all that rot! Forgive my ignorance, but we do not speak English across the big pond. What is a PROBIE??? :hmm:

Ah, 'probie' = probationary club member. All noobs/noobies/neophytes, unless the yare military or changing clubs for some reason, have to serve a six-month probationary period in most clubs before they can apply for their firearms certificate [FAC]. This gives them time to decide what element of shooting sports they'd like to follow like target rifle, BP, underlever/gallery, practical shotgun, practical/tactical, long-range rifle of any kind, F-TR, Bench rest of any kind, vintage firearm and so on. So that when they apply for their FAC they can put on it the choice of firearms suitable for the chosen facet of the sport.

The club has facilities for all these, which is full 'good reason' for the County Police Chief Constable to issue an FAC.

The six-month wait also allows them to try out any and all the guns of other members in the club [except for the so-called long-barrelled revolvers], and to get to learn safe handling and proper respect around live firearms, as well as becoming familiar with the terminology of shooting. There are written tests of gun handling and safety at a number of junctures in the six-month period.

It also serves to let the club officials and members have a good look at THEM, too, as the club secretary is the #1 referee on the FAC application. Two other people of good standing, NOT in the club, and who have known the applicant for at least two years, also have to write an 'unseen' reference. The application and all to do with it is a 'sworn document' in law, and the penalties for making a false declaration in order to attempt to fraudulently obtain a firearm are very severe for all concerned.

Hope this helps!

Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration fund
Sounds like fly fishing over there. I've talked to some who have fished the "Test", and could only cast to a rising fish with a dry fly.

That is, if you could ever get invited to fish the "Test".
Capper said:
Sounds like fly fishing over there. I've talked to some who have fished the "Test", and could only cast to a rising fish with a dry fly.

That is, if you could ever get invited to fish the "Test".

Ah, that's fishing like the posh folks do it. I prefer to fish using a stun grenade and 12 gauge.

You guys must know some people on the upper levels of society for sure. Me, I'm the kind of guy that a redneck would call a 'redneck'.

Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund
Nice job Tac! :thumbsup:

It's one of the best things a shooter can do to keep the sport alive & well. My hat is off to you sir :hatsoff: .

And not-for-nuthin' (an old NJ term), isn't it usually the ladies who listen the best and do what you tell them, so they wind-up out-shooting newbie guys? That's the case here in NJ.

Thanks for "spreading the INFECTION" :thumbsup:

Capper said:
Trust me. I don't know that group. I just heard the conversation.

I'm blue collar.

I'm so poor I can't afford a blue collar. I'm only on this site because it's free. If everybody in our hut circle joined all their funds together we could maybe afford to rent half a blue collar just so's we could see one. Bleeve me, youse guys just don't know how lucky you are, living in a country where a man can have his very own blue collar...

Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund