NW CT- Southern New England?

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40 Cal.
Oct 10, 2008
Reaction score
Having a hard time finding local events/ enthusiasts?

Anyone from Southern New England/ Western CT?
The Niantic Sportsman's Club holds monthly trail walk shoots November thru May. Check out their web site for dates. I believe the next shoot is scheduled for March 20.
Thanks for the info.

Sharon Mt is the local group that I have been trying to contact for weeks with no luck. Sucks because I'm 30 min from there.

But I'll drive the 2 hours to the NY event.

Now I just need to find my .32
Barre Ma had a great club for BP when the First Congress of New England held region wide shoots. Many shooters were from that club and they held the MA territorials for the NMLRA there. I have many fond memories shooting at them.
sharon mtn muzzleloaders has their burnt toe the 2nd full week in august. Looks like the 12th to the 14th.

Thats their summer big event, they probably have smaller events more often. Ask around the CT chapter on the NMLA. Ill check with the local guys for some contact info. It'll be 2 or 3 weeks till I go to the next shoot though.
Come up to Maine, we have two rendezvous a year. You can camp a week or two to make it worth the drive. The Rib eyes on Saturday are worth the drive. The weekend after mothers day and Columbus day weekend. Google theancientonesofmaine.com
Nit Wit
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Where in Colebrook are you? My best friend and hunting partner lives up the road a piece from Millard's Welding, and another close friend over off rte. 20 toward Riverton. Keep going and a buddy of my brother has a place in Riverton with he best "opening day party" ever for the trout season opener.
I live in Torrington, shoot at NW Sportsman on 44.

Be nice to get people together for a shoot.

I'm trying to get out once a week.
If you are willing to make the 1 hr. drive, the Niantic Sportsmen's Club has a trail walk shoot scheduled for Sunday 3/20 starting at 9:30 AM. Registration is from 9-9:30 so if you go, get there early. The Club also has a great Sunday Breakfast starting at 7:30AM.
The shoot consists of 7-stations, with two shots per station. Cost is $10, and it includes a hot lunch. Limited to 70 grains max charge and lead projectiles only. All shots are from the off hand position.

If you do come down ask for Fyrstyk.
It generally averages about 2 1/2 hours. Alot depends on how many shooters show up. We like to send out groups of three shooters at 15 Min intervals so hopefully there won't be any jam ups. However, it never fails, someone will dry ball, or have some other problem that holds up the the group and causes a jam up at the shooting stations. Figure on a minimum of 3 hours, and more if you stay for lunch and the bull sessions after the shoot. Winners are announced when the last shooters finish the course. We don't have prizes, as most of the guys come for the fun and camaraderie.
Hope you can make it. It would be nice to see some new faces.