The President was my dog in the fight......
But.... I like Carville even though I don't support his politics. Carville is a "Foxhole Friend". He is the kind of guy that will stick by you thick and thin even when times are tough, he stuck by Clinton while he was having his troubles, and I have to respect that type of loyalty. I recently saw a biography of him and was impressed with several things that he holds dear: his mother and family, LSU football, and good whiskey. I also love his passion. Right or wrong he deeply believes in his opinions are correct and is unwavering. He kinda reminded me of a snapping turtle though....
I did something really stupid when I moved to Maryland a few years ago..... When I lived in South Carolina, I register Republican and was always getting calls wanting money and getting unwanted literature in the mail. So when I registered to vote in Maryland, I check the "Labor Party" as my affiliation because I had never heard of them and thought they supported the local workers or something. Soon after I started getting contacted by the local Communist Party asking me to come to their fund raisers and to support their candidates. Robin....I never knew Tony Blair was a Communist! :shake: Even though I've changed it, I'm sure I'm on some government list or something now: phone tapped, e-mails read, and full background check......