I don't mind voicing my opinions.
But to advise you on how to build a horn would be presumptous beyond even my ken.
The only improvement I can think of is if I were wearing it.
Beautiful. :applause:
1776 and Bill. Thanks for your words of encouragement. When I see the work of guys like john proud and art decamp I get discouraged because I don't think I can ever reach that level. I am happy with the eagle but my scrimming is too heavy handed. Thanks again
Suzkat, looks like you got a very good start on your journey in Hornsmithing! .. A row of stars around both ends of your horn would look good! __ Just did that to a Tansel styled horn for a client a while back!
The only thing I can suggest to go around the ends of your horn would be the ends of my horn strap. Other than that, I am in no position to make suggestions to improve on work like that. A beautiful job!
Thanks again for the compliments. It may not be historically correct but I took the hunter star and some leaf work I have seen on longrifles and used for borders. Ready for stain.
I learned a lot more things not to do on this one.