old buddy old pal

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40 Cal.
Dec 6, 2005
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at work the other day the subject of my muzzleloading came up and I commented that I needed to come up with some more lead one of the guys said that when his uncle passed away they brought a lot of stuff over to his dads place and there were some lead bars there so after the discussion about needing pure soft lead we went to look and shure enough it was soft enough to scratch with a fingernail he called a salvageyard to see what they pay for lead and sold me all 200 pounds (8 - 25 pound bars)for .15 cents a pound probably the best 30 bucks i've spent in a long time, then he comes in a few days later and gives me 9 one pound ingots and what he called a "plires" for making those round balls a .490 lee mold and if that wasent enough he said there were six cows horns I can have if I want to make another powder horn but they wernt the nice colors like the one I had made last winter they were mostly white I told him that was ok just bring them in anyway so im crossing my fingers and will see what I get in the morning. you have to get luckey once in a while dont you?
If you don't gamble, you might want to consider it, before your lucky streak ends:rotf::rotf:
Reminds me of that lady that found the money in a store and could have used it for her family. Well, she turned it in to the store and didn't get anything for her trouble. Just heard last night that she won a million bucks in a lottery scratch card.

Good things come to those that deserve it. :bow:
DNICK, ... I'm so happy for you. I firmly believe that miracles happen every day. We must just open our eyes and mind to see them. This is one of those miracles. :thumbsup:
Good for you :thumbsup: .

I'd get to the store for a lottery ticket, if I'd was you :rotf: :rotf:

I hope you offer to pay the man the fair market value of the lead and the molds, and horns. At least give him a finished horn when you get done, as a keepsake from his relative.

Deals are terrific, unless you are the guy doing a friend a " favor " and find out that he took advantage of your ignorance. Deals like the one you did are done with other dealers, where its SELLER BEWARE. Don't do that to a friend. If he doesn't want the true value of the stuff, let that be his choice. That is how friends help true friends.

That's a very good point! If his buddy at work won't take any more money, he could always make a charitable donation in the name of the deceased's family, or perhaps get a gift card from a restaurant, etc.

I guess the saying about wisdom comming with "old age" is true after all.

Some call it karhma,the NA call it the GIVEAWAY.Thought being that if you give it away,the Great Spirit will see that it comes back to you.Personally I believe that you get from life what you give to it.Great idea about a gift certificate or charitable donation.You are fortunate to have such a good friend,treat him likewise and you will have one for life.Maybe your buddy ol' pal would indeed like a powder horn. You "done good pilgram".
Hi Paul yes I already took care of that his father wanted a rock polisher and was going to try to build one so I gave him an older one I had and it ment the world to him.
I must confess I'm gripped and Humbled by this post and your attitude. This is why God Bless the American people so much. Because of your generosity and righteous dealings. You reap what you sow. Way to go!!! May God bless you even more, I'm blessed by your conduct :hatsoff: ...Christiaan
How big of a rock polisher do you need?

I have a small one that I would trade for a Finished horn!
[url] http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4887239&sourceid=41862526871129049288[/url]

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That's called "paying it forward". One good deed begets another and from there it just snowballs. In the end, everybody comes out on top and all feel good about it. Good going . . .

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