deano said:
"...but I would like to understand your positions..."(ref oxyoke ticking and wonderlube 1000)
Oxyoke manufactured a lube called Wonderlube 1000 and they also manufactured shooting patches prelubed with it. From there they went on to arrange contractual dealings with TC who sells it under the name of Natural Lube 1000, and with some other ML companies such as CVA, Traditions, and even Remington during the 90's.
I've used Natural Lube 1000 as a bore and patch lube for about 17 years now and it works exactly as the tests I have been shooting 50 shot range session for almost 10 years and do so without wiping between shots...BUT...let me explain the why & how that happens.
What the advertising about the lubes does not point out is the effects of and the requirement for moisture to successfully complete such tests....there must be mid to high humidity for those repeated tests to work...and guys like those in the article you linked didn't realize that, ran some tests when the humidity happened to be low, had problems, and erroneously concluded that the lube doesn't work and abandoned it totally as if the advertisements are a complete falsehood...not so.
To make repeated shots without wiping the fouling out between shots, one shot’s worth of fouling has to remain so soft that when the next patched ball is seated, the tight fitting patch wipes the soft fouling off the bore walls and pushes it down, depositing it on top of the powder charge.
Then that first shot's worth of fouling is ejected with the 2nd shot out of the bore, leaving a new fresh single shot's worth of fouling on the bore walls again...then the cycle is repeated for the 3rd shot, the 4th...50th...100th...etc...for as many shots as you want, providing the fouling stays so soft there's never more than one shot's worth of fouling in the bore at any given time. order for fouling to stay so soft that it can be wiped off by the next PRB, there has to be at least a certain amount of moisture in the bore to keep the fouling from drying and hardening up...keep that bore moist and you can just shoot all day using the wonder lube / natural lube type products no matter what time of year it is. get that amount of moisture into the bore one of two things has to happen:
1) Do your shooting in mid to high humidity conditions so as soon as a shot is finished, the moisture in humid air is immediately sucked into the bore and keeps the fouling soft;
2) Or, use a semi-liquid to liquid type lube in the first place so the bore always has moisture in it.
For example, I've learned from personal experience here in NC that from spring until fall I can shoot my 50 shots range sessions using Oxyoke or TCs prelubed patches without wiping between shots because the humidity here is mid to high during those months and the bore gets all the moisture it needs to keep the fouling 100% soft.
But from the fall on around to the spring again the colder winter months bring low humidity, dry air and I can't shoot more than 8-10 shots without needing to wipe the bore because the fouling stays hard and gradually builds up due to lack of moisture and it doesn't all get wiped off the walls by each successive PRB..that's what the guys in your article experienced.
During these dry/low humidity months I switch to Hoppes No9 PLUS BP Solvent & Patch Lube which is a thick liquid...and shoot my 50 shot sessions without wiping between them just like I do with NL1000 patches in the high humidity months of summer...the key to it all is moisture.
Now for hunting, I happen to use NL1000 patches regardless of weather conditions because it doesn't affect powder and I'm not shooting 50 shots at a time, etc.
So yes, the wonder type lube products are excellent and will perform as advertised...they just should have been more forthcoming and included the caveat about needing mid to high humidity shooting conditions to do that. Sort of like using different weights of oil in your car during the hot summer months compared to the cold winter months.