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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others.'s not the job of the Game Commission to be concerned about or promote the economy. We can debate that point until the cows come home.

FO does in fact save lives and prevent accidents. IMHO it's foolish not to wear it in a high power rifle season. But, fools do what they do.

The crazy part about the FO rules when seasons overlap (archery\early ML)...and early ML season is NOT a primitive weapon season. I have a T\C in-line with a scope that's an easy dead on 200yd rifle.

But the rules say if you are archery hunting in this overlap season, no FO is required. But, if you are carrying a modern in-line or a high power rifle (allowed for old guys in the early ML season) during the early season, you must wear FO. Ok....but if I'm shooting an arrow the target is close. I'm pretty sure I'll know if it's a deer or a guy. OTOH, if I'm shooting an in-line or rifle, and I can't see the archery hunter that's 200yds get my point.

And just to point out one other nonsense rule.....during the post Christmas flintlock season, in the "Special Regulation" areas around Philly and Pittsburgh (I live just east of Pittsburgh) you can use your flintlock long gun. But you can't use a flintlock pistol (50 cal or more) in the SRA's. Because the SRA's are more densely populated, you can use a long rifle that has more velocity and thus, more distance, but you can't use a pistol that can't shoot a projectile as far?  How's that make sense?
