Last night I delved deeper into the barrel joining thing.
2 straight octagonal profile barrels as a base. Machine down (within a safe margin) two opposing flats, since these are contacting one another, the barrel wall will share any stress with it's partner. The bores are now parallel. This minimizes extra bulk side to side. Unitize the assembly with the "ribs" top and bottom.
For discussion's sake, lets go with 2.5 degrees of taper (per side).
Subsequent machining operations using a sine vise, or better yet, a custom ramp with a stop (integral), the barrels would become tapered octagons in profile.
A 90 degree cutter, that removes the same amount of metal (consistent starting point) would tie it in.
The bores parallel, but everything tapered around them, if done properly, would be a first class job. It would be on par with the finest English double pistols.
Yet another project that I have to do.
Thanks for nothing, Roy. :haha: