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The paper cartridge wraps will be thinner than a cloth patch.  I wrap my paper cartridges to have a final diameter that is slightly less than the bore diameter of the barrel.  [USER=59657]@wiscoaster[/USER] will need a cartridge former that is 4 paper thickness +0.005" smaller in diameter than the bore. 

Dowel rods don't come in such precise sizes so the former will have to be made.   While that's not much of a problem with a wood lathe (metal lathes can be used too), it is more likely that an electric drill will have to be used.  Cut a 3/4" dowel rod to a 6" length.  Find the center in one end and screw  a large wood screw partly into the end.  Cut off the head with a hack saw to have something that cane held in the chuck of the drill.  Use files and sandpaper to turn the length of the dowel down to about 0.680.  Wrap two turns of the cartridge paper on the dowel and verify that this is a slip fit.  The 0.680" inside diameter makes it easy to slip the ball in the paper tube. 

Now that you have some paper tubes, watch the making paper cartridges stickys and make some cartridges.
